Happy Wednesday 5 years! Swipe for videos! 弓道5年目になりました。 It's been 5 years since I started kyudo. Photos from my 5 years of kyudo. 今日はその五年間の盛り合わせ。 Looking back at my old photos and videos is quite cringey but I can seeing a massive improvement from then and now(swipe for video) 写真や動画を振り返って見ると、進歩は少し感じます。前の動画が少し恥ずかしいです。 I loved Robin Hood when I was small. The photo is from my 5th birthday. I never dreamed that I would be living in Japan learning kyudo. 小さい時からロビン・フッドが大好きで、5歳の誕生日になりきって、弓矢も持ってます。まさか大人になって日本で弓道に関わると思ってませんでした。 Starting kyudo has really changed my life. Physically, mentally and spiritually. Taking time to slow down and focus was what I needed but never knew till I started.変な話かもしれないが弓道始めたお陰で人生が変わったというか、精神的、肉体的なところもそうですが、文化、言語、礼儀作法、出会い。 Physically kyudo has given me great posture, and a strong body and mind and I feel more balanced overall. I like myself more now than I did 5 years ago. 感謝 Very big thank you to Roy san for introducing me to Hiro san. To Hiro for always supporting my kyudo activities and ideas and for wonderful photos. I'm very grateful to have met you guys! ロイさん、ひろさん、佐藤先生、ニュージーランド弓道、黒須先生、松尾先生、今までのサポート本当にありがといございました。 Thank you also to Gekkan Hiden and BudoJapan for putting me on their magazine in 2020. 月刊秘伝と武道ジャパンに感謝。 Thank you to HASEO san for letting me take part in his wonderful art. An experience I will never forget! HASEOさんに感謝。ずっとみてた憧れてきた作品に出させて頂くことが一生大切なな思い出になります。 Thank you for reading and I'm looking forward to what comes next🍀 #kyudo #弓道 #東京理科大学 #longbow #archerygirl #archerylife #異文化 #コミュニケーション #親子 #お出かけ #mindfulness #budo #education #speech #Japan #タレント #最近 #伝統 #活動 #familytime #university #sport #budo #momlife
Happy Thursday! Why are your arrows so long? Talking about shihan mato. 四半的の話!Swipe for video👉️ When posting about shihan mato I often get asked why the arrows are so long. So first, a little bit about this type of Japanese archery or kyujutsu: Our bows are short asymmetric (yumi) called hankyu ( 半弓)the arrows are super long(1.36m) and the target is 8m away, we sit seiza to shoot, we pinch draw until our chin and there is no glove like kyudo.The targets are also tiny at 13.7cm ~3.5 cm too! 📌的まで8.2m 矢長さ1.36m 口割り/頬付けがあごの方にあります。ゆがけを使わない、ピンチ式で弓引きます。 的まで四間半、弓矢ともに四尺五寸、的も四寸五分とすべてのサイズが四半であることが名前の由来といわれ、現在は市の無形文化財に登録されている。 Shihan mato is a traditional type of archery (kyujutsu) from Miyazaki Prefecture that started about 400 years ago. This form of archery has been designated an Intangible Cultural Property by Obi City. 四半的弓道始めての方ですが、宮崎県発祥の伝統弓術で約400年前から始まっております。弓は短く、矢長く、座って引きます😃 Shihan mato started in lands governed by the Shimazu clan samurai during a time of warfare between 1467 and 1603 in what is now Miyazaki prefecture on the southern island of Kyushu. It is said peasants living in Shimazu lands were allowed to practice archery only when seated because their feudal overlords feared they might use their bows to rebel. It is thought that the seated shooting position in seiza was intended to reduce the martial application of the practice for the peasant classes. 🔹The arrows length meant it would be impractical as a weapon or in battle. 🔹 Some sources mention that during the Warring states period, military commanders also practiced shihan mato for fun. Then during the Edo period it became popular among samurai warriors too, in the mid-Meiji period, it became a casual type of archery which was enjoyed with shochu at banquets. 戦国時代には武将の酒宴時に、江戸時代には武士の間で普及し、明治中期頃には酒宴の席などで焼酎を酌み交わしながら親しまれる娯楽へと変化した競技。 Photos by @hirokyudoworld #archery #Japan #shihanmato #アーチェリー #四半的弓道 #四半的 #mindfulness #Samurai #calm #happiness #smile #archerylife #carbonfiber #kyujutsu #nippon #🇯🇵 #warringstates #edoperiod #oldjapan #instinctivearchery #longbow #kyudo #弓道 #worldarchery #trivia #why #facts
Tap here to expand こちらをタップ! Happy Sunday! Mini samurai movie🏯ミニ時代劇🏯 The other day a videographer came to practice and he made this wonderful short movie for me. The landscape format video is on my youtube channel! 木曽馬牧場にて、甲冑イベントに参加してる間にとれた映像です🏯横動画が私のユーチューブチャネル上がってます☺️ Shot at Koyodai Kisouma horse ranch in Yamanashi, you can see part the Kisouma, the indigenous Japanese samurai horse. Mout Fuji looks stunning and web had really great weather that day 山梨にある、紅葉台木曽馬牧場にて撮影した作品です。日本の馬、木曽馬が可愛いらしいし、富士山が綺麗ですね😃天気に恵まれて、最高に楽しい時間でした💜 📌作者: 映像クリエイター: 古郡康聖 By Furukori san ブライダル撮影ブランド: Special Canvas代表 https://specialcanva.official.ec/ 撮影依頼:ブライダル,PV,PR など 撮影機材  #SONYFX3 #DJIMAVIC3CINE #ドローン #映像 #武士 #山梨 #和式馬術 #木曽馬 #鎧 #甲冑 #弓道 #薙刀 #armor #samuraiarmor #armour #LARP #naturelovers #naginata #polearm #archery #sportsyabusame #スポーツ流鏑馬 #和式馬術 #sonycamera #薙刀 #katana #馬上武芸 #onnamusha #onnabugeisha
Happy Thursday! The Great Spear: Da Qiang vs naginata 中国の大槍/長槍:ダ•ジャング vs 全日本なぎなた I had a chance to try a daqiang spear大枪 the other day. It takes its name from the spear which was used on the Chinese battlefield for centuries. Traditionally ranging in length from three to five metres. It's huge! 先日(大枪)ダジャングという中国の長槍のスパーリング用の槍を使う機会ありました。昔軍用兵器として使われたが、拳銃の増殖により槍の使用が減り、レアなものになりました。 After the proliferation of firearms in China, the da qiang fell out of favour, however recently it has been revived in a form for sparring featuring a soft tip. The modern dai qiang I used was invented by Canada based Dr James Guo. 最近カナダ住まいジェイムズ・グオさんがスパーリングの長槍を発明。 His early prototype spears were made of pine but transportation was difficult. The design was upgraded into carbon-fibre spear shafts that could unscrew into two pieces. The tip is foam/rubber and whistles to register a thrust on an opponent. 先っぽが柔らかく、まっすぐ当たると音が出る仕組みになってます。カーボンで出来て、ネジによって二つの部分になるのである程度持ち運びは楽です。 I took my naginata as it was the longest weapon I had but my lack of technical ability meant the long reach of the dai qiang made it very versatile from a long distance! Once i could get in a little closer the opponents hands, and body became targets, but getting past the reach of the spear was tricky! なぎなたを持ってきましたがダ•ジャングの長さに負けてしまいました。相手の近くまで行けば手先、体は届けますが中々難しかった! Peter san showed me the basic movements needed, including circling and thrusting. We tried a light sparring session but the length was something very new for me. You need to keep your centre of gravity quite low. ピーターさんが槍の使い方について教えてくれました。動作は少なく、シンプル。スパーリングしてみました!重さそこそこで、腕は疲れます😆なぎなたと違って、体の重心落として、同ずくりします。 As with many Japanese weapons and bows such as the naginata mini youkyu bow they have roots in Chinese culture and designs were often brought over back to Japan and became the Japanese weapons we know today. 柳弓や薙刀、日本の武器は場合によって中国から形やアイデアは日本に流れた、日本で広がったというものもあります。 Post continued below👇️ コメント欄で続きます👇️ #yari #spear #長槍 #槍術 #伝統 #大枪 #sparring #combat #naginata #薙刀 #なぎなた #outdoors #kyudo #弓道 #martialarts #archerygirl #異文化 #mindfulness #budo #education #Japan #タレント #最近 #活動 #lance #polearm #larp
Happy Thursday Double post: education and awareness for budo: talking at The Tokyo University of Science and participating in Saitama's Budo festival. 武道もっと知ろう!埼玉の武道祭と東京理科大学でゲスト講師の話 📌How did you end up starting a martial art or archery? Open day? Just visited and started? Let me know in the comments. Even in Japan, the land of budo, sometimes it is difficult to find information and start a discipline when the timing is right for you. 武道の国日本でも、場合によって武道始めるのに難しいです。 Where I can I try to participate in events or activities and visit dojos that are open to having people drop in. Also when given a platform of any sort I will always end up talking about my experiences with budo. 武道を持ち上げるイベントやアクティビティできるかぎり参加してます。オープンやフレキシブルな道場訪問します、話せる機会与えたら、武道や弓道の話をします。 The other day I was given the chance to speak at The Tokyo University of Science.先日東京理科大学でゲスト講師として講演しました。@tokyouniversityofscience It was a wonderful opportunity to take a deep dive into living in Japan as a non Japanese person and actually preparing for the talk allowed me to process and go over all the things that have happened the things I have done during my 19 years here. 素敵な機会で19年以上外国人として日本にすんで今まで出来たこと、がっかりしたこと、失敗したこと、成功したことを振り返って考えてみるとこ事できた。 I talked about what I do as a budo writer, as a person passionate about budo especially kyudo and how in particular learning kyudo has deepened my experience of living in Japan. @budojapan や @taiyoshobo のライターとして話をし、在日外国人として弓道初めて人生はどれだけ変わった事、武道を通してさらに日本の伝統文化、言語、礼儀作法、色んな場面で勉強も出来てます。 Its given me opportunities to learn nihongo, meet people, learn traditions, research techniques and equipment, learn etiquette that I would have otherwise not had contact to had I not started kyudo. Also a few weeks back I took part in a Budo Festival over at the Saitama Prefecture budokan. A budokan is a complex that has spaces for every type of budo including kyudo. There are budokan all over Japan. ②県立武道館で武道祭 スポーツフェア2022参加しました。 Continued in the comments below↓ 文章の続きはコメント欄にて↓ #kyudo #弓道 #東京理科大学 #longbow #archerygirl #archerylife #異文化 #コミュニケーション #親子 #お出かけ #mindfulness #budo #education #speech #Japan #タレント #最近 #伝統 #活動 #familytime #university #tokyouniversityofscience #sport #budo #momlife
Happy Saturday! Talking about the ebira: the samurai quiver 箙(えびら)の話 👉️Swipe for video Ebira 箙 means quiver in Japanese. Depending on the intent for usage they come in several different shapes and sizes. 矢を入れて携帯する箙は使用する場面、時代などで様々な形存在します。 The other day was the first time I got to try an ebira! I was in armour and an ebira was most fitting for carrying my arrows in this situation. 先日紅葉台で初めて箙使いましたので今日は箙は初心者としての投稿です(笑) The ebira was used traditionally by samurai in combat or hunting, and in present day is used for ceremonial archery, such as in yabusame shinji, sports yabusame and bajo bugei, and koryu such as Heki Ryu for their teki mae display. (Photo 8&9) 昔武士が使用した道具、現在流鏑馬の神事、スポーツ流鏑馬、馬上武芸、神社での神事、日置流印西派の敵前演武に使用してます。 Attaching the ebira was straight forward, with a string around my waist and the top of the ebira roped into my armour, it was attached onto my hip and back. 黒須先生が教えてくれました。腰にかける紐を結び、箙の上の部分を甲冑の紐に直接結びます。矢を差し込んで準備ok。 The arrows are pulled out as needed from the right hand side in downwards action arrow tip first (video) The design looks quite open and I was expecting my arrows to fall out on horseback but the design allows for the allows to move in the ebira as your body moves.  矢をしようする時は右側から矢じりを下から前へ矢つがえ。動画あります😃思ったより使用しやすくて、マイ箙すい欲しがってきた。 There's a book I have about ebira its from Tenbo 4 nen or 1833. I figured out a smiliar shaped ebirab with boar fur is called a sakatsura type ebira. 家にある天保四年1833年からの古書をみて【逆頬箙】さかつらえびらという猪皮の毛並を逆に向けて包んだ箙の形が似てますが私が使用した箙が猪皮の毛並ではありませんでした。 Photo credits and info in the comment section👇️ 写真クレジットはコメント欄にあります👇️ ⚔️Equipment •Gloves @mechanixwear_jp @mechanix_wear •Waraji sandals and hakama @marutake.chiyoda @marutake_industries •Arrows @koyamakyugu •Bow Carbon, Nami length, Higosouzan model: kyuzen 12.5k #quiver #箙 #kyudo #弓道 #archery #armor #armour #samuraiarmor #LARP #reenactment #longbow #horseriding #japaneseantiques #antique #yabusame #sportsyabusame #スポーツ流鏑馬 #流鏑馬 #甲冑 #鎧 #伝統工芸品 #伝統文化 #japan #馬上武芸 #archerygirl #larping #samurai #horselovers
Happy Monday The kaburaya: a whistling signal arrow 鏑矢 (かぶらや)の製作 The other day I posted a reel showing me shooting a kaburaya, a signal arrow.先日鏑矢の音がわかるようなリール投稿しました。 Kaburaya were used by the samurai class of feudal Japan. Before battle an army archer was said to have shot 5 kaburaya with specific fletching in succession to signal the start of a battle.鏑矢は封建時代のの武士が使用したようです。 戦闘の時、射手が戦闘開始合図するために、特定な鏑矢5本の鏑矢を引きましたという話ありました。 When shot into the air the arrow becomes a sort of wind instrument that emits an wonderful eerie sound.木造と竹でできてます。矢じりが空洞になってて、飛ばすと管楽器なようにヒョーーーーと音します。 This time lets take a closer look at the different parts of the arrow and the process of making it. 今回は矢をばらして、中身をみて、作り方について話します😃 I'm still researching kaburaya but I would like to show you some photos I have gathered.まだ研究ですが集めた写真まずみんなさんにみてもらいたい😃 Carved from wood the arrow tip is made from two main pieces. The very tip and the base. The two parts of the arrow are hollowed out and openings are been placed at specific points. To complete this process the artisan at his workshop (Kobo Sou)  used a wood lathe here and I had a go at it too (see video) 鏑矢の矢じる開けると二つになる。工房宗の職人が木工旋盤を使って、そとの形を作ってから、中をくりぬく作業します。自分も一緒にやってみたけど難しかった😅 After the hollow kaburaya pieces are ready, the artisan lacquers the parts with urushi and sets them to dry,  once dried repeats the process over and over until the desired result of a smooth finish and depth of colour is reached. 次矢じりは漆塗りと乾燥の作業の繰り返し。場合によって竹のシャフトも漆塗りしてます。 The bamboo shaft is also lacquered in the same way. Cotton and thicker string is wound around specific points the bamboo shaft and a metal pin is inserted into the top/lid part of the kaburaya.決まった場所に糸と細い紐を使って巻きます。鏑矢の先に金属のピン接着、鏑矢被せるとそのピンが中でシャフトに差し込み、しっかりしてきます。 The shaft is fletched according to the customers needs and a nocking point is added. Different fletching carries different meanings for people as I found out after making my first arrow. I now have two, one a wishing arrow and one a cursed arrow 🙃 コメント欄で続きます👇️ #kyudo #弓道 #longbow #whistlingarrow #archery #archer #Japan #samurai #battle #鏑矢 #kaburaya #tradition #bamboo #artisan #伝統工芸品 #職人 #研究 #research
Happy Wednesday 🔹メディア出演情報 🔹Media appearance info Swipe for behind the scenes photos👉️ ①TV apperance 今夜 BSテレビ東京 ワタシが日本に住む理由 19時55分~ ラブ埼玉アンバサダーとして 自転車ロケの一部出演します 是非ご覧ください。後日見逃しアプリでご視聴可能👌 ロケオフショットはスワイプしてね👉️ ①On TV tonight from 1955 BS TV Tokyo Watashi ga Nippon ni sumu ryu ②Kyudo modelling work 朱利 出演情報 素敵な写真ストーリーで流してますが「朱利」のソーシャルメディア出演しております @shuri_japan 朱利とは? まだ秘密ですが近々オフィシャルアカウントより発表あると思いますので是非フォローよろしくお願いいたします😃 ②Appearing in @Shuri_Japan social media. You may have noticed quite beautiful photos being posted on my stories shared from Shuris account. So what is SHURI? That is still a secret but all will be revealed soon! If you like the content so far please follow and like so you don't miss the big announcement to come😊✨️  #kyudo #弓道 #ワタシが日本に住む理由 #BSテレ東 #BSテレビ #テレビ東京 #埼玉 #浦和 #きもの #kimono #着物 #longbow #archery #japanesearchery #model #弓引くモデル #着物モデル
Happy Monday Talking about the yari (spear) 槍の話 Recently I've had several opportunities to use spears or yari 槍 of differing lengths and types, and it reminded me I tried two different Japanese spears a couple of months back! 最近色んな形の槍触る機会がありました。数ヵ月前にとった写真思い出しました😃 Yari (槍) is the term for a traditionally made Japanese blade or nihonto in the form of a spear. The martial art of the yari is called sōjutsu. 槍(やり)長い柄(え)の先に鋭利な刃物を着装した道具。 刺突を主目的とする猟具、武器・武具の一種。 I posted about the jumonji yari several weeks back, then the other more simple looking yari I'm holding is called a suyari. この間十文字槍の投稿しましたが今回も十文字槍と刃の部分は真っ直ぐの直槍(すやり) Also on my head is an eboshi. More info below⏬ There are over 15 different blade shapes and several variations for shaft shape. Yari length varies hugely (90cm-6m) with a blade length of (2-90cm) and a total weight of (1-6kg). 槍の面白さが、刃の形が沢山です!15種類以上あって、全体長さも様々でとってもバリエーションが多い武器です。 Originally based on Chinese spears, Yari really became main weapons around the Muromachi period and latter half of the 16th Century. They also appear quite frequently in ukiyo-e sometimes with impaled heads on them…. 戦闘形式が騎馬戦から徒歩戦、個人戦から集団戦へと移行したことで、薙刀よりも槍の方が有用として広く普及しました。江戸時代になると、槍は大名の格式を表す道具と見なされるようになり、武術のひとつ「槍術」(そうじゅつ)として各地で様々な流派が生み出されます。 The huge variety in shape and length make yari very interesting to research. Sometime soon I will post about an experience of naginata vs Oyari I had the other day. 色んな槍があって、興味深いと思います。先日は大槍となぎなたのスパーリング少しやってみたが大槍のリーチが凄かった。それについて近々書きます😃 📌烏帽子について 📌About eboshi かぶってるのは古式の侍烏帽子。侍烏帽子は立烏帽子を何度も折り畳んで髻もとどりを収容する巾子形だけ残したものです。本来は「折烏帽子(おりえぼし)」と言います。 This time I'm wearing an old style samurai eboshi. Eboshi come in many different types of softness and hardness and many different shapes. Each shape denotes the type of person they were and their status. This specific eboshi is ori eboshi. Ukiyo-e references 🔹月岡芳年 作 「月百姿 鳶巣山暁月 戸田半平重之」 🔹月岡芳年 「信仰の三日月 幸盛」 🔹山中鹿之助幸盛 月岡芳年画「芳年武者无類」Yamanaka Shikanosuke Yukimori by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi. #槍 #spear #weapon #history #samurai #烏帽子 #eboshi #research #polearm #larp #outdoors #Japan #mountfuji #富士山 #fujisan #somethingnew #アウトドア #槍術 #soujutsu #伝統 #歴史 #history
Happy Friday! Swipe for video→ Visiting a very special dojo with very special bamboo! 小笠原流道場: 直心館弓道場と 竹弓になる竹の油抜きと天日干し Back in November last year I got the very amazing chance to be involved in the selection and cutting of bamboo for bows (yumi) for Koyama Kyudo Shop @koyamakyugu Established in 1780, this shop and its kyudo equipment are very well known.  The bow making process is usually left to the experts only here so just being able to help was a massive honour. It was an experience I will never forget!  11月に初めて竹弓のための材料: 真竹 (マダケ)を切りに行きました!大変貴重な体験でした。そもそも竹弓になるまでの流れが秘密が多く、実際そのプロセスに手伝いできるなんて光栄ですね。竹弓、竹矢の見た目が変わりました。今後もっと勉強して竹弓、竹矢もっと大切していきたいなと思います✨ I will repost to my stories if you haven't read the 1st  post yet! 竹切りの投稿はストーリ再度のせます😃 The bamboo I helped cut was taken to be dried over in a place called Kitamoto in Saitama. @koyamakyudo has a branch there and the very interesting thing is, it's connected to a special dojo. 竹が埼玉の北本へ送ります。小山弓具の北本店と直心館弓道場があります。 Opened in 1981, this dojo practices Ogasawara Ryu, a 830 year old traditional Japanese system of martial arts and etiquette, formalised and handed down by the Ogasawara clan. But more on that in a moment. 1981年に開設お店と道場ですが、小笠原流のお稽古場であります。 小笠原流は830年前から存在する、武家故実, 弓術、馬術、礼法の流派。 Together with Kurosu sensei @ken.kurosu we got to see one part of the drying process with the bamboo we cut! 黒須先生と一緒に切った竹の油抜きされた、天日干し中の状態はみれました😃 The bamboo for yumi is stored both standing inside the dojo and flat in the yamichi (the area between the shooting area and the target area) it's a very unique sight to behold! The storage place, length, and temperature is decided by the bow maker. たてで道場中、や矢道に保管してます。特に矢道で竹がズラリと置かれてる状態は中々珍しいです。 I was amazing to see the bamboo we cut, months later, getting reading to be taken to another part of Japan where the process of takeawase 竹合わせand takekezuri 竹削り will take place. In a 12 step process today was about the 3rd step. 🌕Continued below in comments!🌕 #kyudo #弓道 #forest #green #bamboo #小笠原流 #ogasawararyu #craftsman #artesian #伝統工芸品 #竹林 #竹 #🎋 #🌿 #DIY #bambooforest #travel #archery #🏹 #🎯 #bamboobow #longbow #yabusame #流鏑馬 #騎射 #archery #japanesearchery #samurai
Happy Wednesday! Super big news! ハッピーニューズ! I was interviewed for Black Belt Magazine, one of America's oldest martial arts magazines! @blackbeltmag The interview is in the June/July issue that is on sale now! 1961年ではじまったアメリカの人気武道雑誌: ブラックベルトマガジンですが、この度6月/7月号に インタビュー記事のさせていただきました✨ I talk about what I train in, how often I train and why.. There are several mentions to @budojapan where I help to promote budo as an ambassador. 弓道、スポーツ流鏑馬、なぎなた、四半的の話しもそうですが、埼玉県のアンバサダー、母親、タレント、そして 月間秘伝の英語メディア: BUDOJAPANのアンバサダーの活動の話しも。 I'm so honoured and thankful for this chance to further bring kyudo and budo to the world! こんなに有名な雑誌に取り上げてとっても光栄です! 世界中の皆さんに弓道や武道の事は興味もってくれると嬉しいです。 Black belt is available at bookstores, through their website, Amazon, on kindle and there is a digital version too! Links in my stories. 「日本にいる方へ 雑誌は月刊秘伝の英語版なような感じです。キンドル版、ディジタル版ございます😃リンクはストーリに入れますね!オンラインが難しいが読みたい!という方ご連絡くださいね送ります。」 If you want to start kyudo or budo but don't know how, can't find info, please let me know, I'll try to help. 弓道や武道始めたい方、情報探してる方はいつでも連絡ください。 Much thanks and appreciation to the writer of this article Mr @tomcallos Thank you for reaching out and taking the time on little old me😊 記事の作者トムさん、大変感謝してます! 本当にありがとうございました😃 Also thanks to @dojo_explorer for the heads up about the article going live🙏 Since Black Belt Magazine was founded in 1961 the magazine has featured famous martial artists such as Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, and Steven Seagal. #弓道 #blackbeltmag #blackbeltmagazine #martialarts #martialartist #kyudo #magazine #BBM #kimono #着物女子 #着物 #budo #武道 #longbow #archer #archerylife #archery #sportsyabusame #kyujutsu #スポーツ流鏑馬